Monday, 13 July 2015

Facelift - The New Procedure That Can Make You Look Younger

Facelifts began as removal of loose skin throughout the ears and hairline to more complex surgeries concerning the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) which invests the mimetic muscles from the face and neck plus the deep fat compartments. Tightening the SMAS became popular from the late 1970's to the current. This surgery gave nice improvement in wrinkle removal, but often left the patients looking too tight with flattened cheeks and also a "wind tunnel appearance". The directional tightening from the tissues is superior-lateral in front of the ear and posterior inside the neck. With continued aging and skin relaxation, these patients often developed the "Nike swish" wrinkle lines with the lower face. This two directional facial rejuvenation is fixed in turning back the time. It makes people look different, but not younger.

Around 2000, the technique of volumetric rejuvenation was introduced. The eye is animations and it also was remarked that going back to a youthful facial volume and contour is a lot more important than removing wrinkles and flattening in the nasolabial folds. Aging occur in all layers with the face; skin, fat, muscle along with the underlying skeleton. Lots of techniques (minimal incisions, endoscopic, etc.) were developed from deep subperiosteal (along with the bony skeleton) dissections to more superficial techniques involving minimally invasive superficial suture suspensions (Quick lift, Lifestyle lift, Thread lift, etc.). Hmo's give excellent durable results at the cost of prolonged postoperative recovery and swelling, and also the later provide you with fast results with variable improvements that serve you for a short period of time. Many of the suture suspension techniques mentioned are franchises that techniques are taught at seminars to any M.D. definitely not using a surgical background.

Plastic surgery's search for the "ultimate facelift" within the last few century would have been a journey that started with the skin level, with better perception of the facial anatomy progressed to more involved and complicated procedures, from two dimensions to three dimensions and much more recently here we are at more superficial techniques. A lot of ancillary techniques are employed concurrently, including fat grafting for facial volume, laser skin resurfacing to get rid of wrinkles and tighten your skin. Rejuvenation from the aging face is both a craft and art based on sound surgical principles that have evolved as time passes to pioneering cosmetic surgeons. We will have an even better understanding about soft tissue aging, bony changes and intrinsic and extrinsic skin changes because of gravity and time.

How might this match which has a short scar facelift, you may ask? With the realization that volume shifting is a bit more important than skin tightening and facial flattening and that gravity pulls downward instead of backward, we started rethinking the placement and length of the incisions also. The objective of an epidermis incision is three fold: get access to the surgical field, to redrape also to resect excess skin. Since volumetric correction is more important than skin excision, phase 2 would have been to make an effort to obtain similar results similar to the typical long incisions.

The S-lift was the primary short scar facelift techniques which removed a little predetermined level of skin before the ears and used minimal suture suspension. The S-lift produces variable results, will not likely affect the jowls and neck significantly. It is best in the younger patient. Yet another development with this could be the MACS lift (minimal access cranial suspension). The scars are kept as short as you possibly can, I take advantage of strong suture suspension from the SMAS, which can be not undermined, but accordions the tissues to further improve the volume with the cheeks. It is just a purely vertical vector pull and also the facial soft tissues are anchored to the strong temporalis fascia above the cheek bones. There's minimal skin excision, no earlobe distortion, no scars behind your ears, removal of the jowls and overall natural improvement in the neck lines. You do not end up having an "operated look"! You need to know a short scar facelift is just not a classical facelift using a short scar.

The amount shifting is purely vertical and the skin redraping consistantly improves same vertical direction. The recovery because of this procedure is significantly faster, minimal to no risks of nerve injury and the stigmata on the classic facelift. Today's facelift just isn't your mother's facelift. These newer approaches be capable of turning back the clock and give you a far more youthful look rather than allow you to be tight, flat faced and different, so even your furry friend has difficulty recognizing you.

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